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  • 您當(dāng)前的位置:首頁 > 旅游資訊 > 景點講解 > 玄真古洞生態(tài)旅游度假區(qū)---玄真漂流_語音導(dǎo)游詞


    • 來源:星輝旅游網(wǎng)
    • 發(fā)布:2015年04月15日
    • 作者:Bin
    • 人氣:2979


    Voice of English

        素有“華南第一漂”、“南粵至激漂”之稱的玄真漂流,被譽為是中國漂流行業(yè)的經(jīng)典之作,更有“玄真漂流,漂動天下”之美譽。素以“水清、浪激、石奇、山險、林密”五大奇景聞名于世,十五萬平方公里的集雨山林,至清至純至激至狂的河水穿巖鑿壁、傲視群雄;268米不規(guī)則分布落差將“猛、激、奇、急、險”多種漂流特色一一呈現(xiàn):群山環(huán)抱、碧潭密布、奇石怪藤尤如星羅,山巖巨石穿插不斷,霸氣盡顯!4.3公里極品原生態(tài)漂流河道,128處激流落差讓游客在浪尖上盡情飛舞90分鐘,236處各式彎道演繹“水上達(dá)喀爾”極速漂移感覺;升級整合的準(zhǔn)90度角極速 “河馬出洞”回旋落差盡顯王者風(fēng)范,更因為所得天獨厚的自然山水資源,被指定為國家自然水域漂流大賽主賽場。

        XuanZhen floating is praised as the most typical drift among drifting industry in China, and enjoys honorable titles of “the first scenic area for floating in Southern China” and “the most exciting drift in southern Guangdong”. The program is known for its clear water, violent waves, grotesque stone, arduous mountain and verdant forest. Do you wonder that where the ample water come from? It depends on this forest which can produce rainwater with an area of 150,000 square kilometers. The falls with a total of 268 meters in all, the grotesque-shaped jagged rock and torrent bring a secret and exciting tour to tourists. The whole journey of Xuan Zhen floating is 4.3 kilometers long, together with a total of 128 falls which can make tourists feel the excitement constantly, and to finish the whole journey can be take about 90 minutes.Besides, 236 tortuous Dakar paths display the most appealing while the most exciting is the fall which is named The River Horse Coming out of the Hole. Endowed with the unique natural landscape resources, Xuan Zhen floating was designated as a main stadium for National Natural Waters Rafting Competition.

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