- 來(lái)源:星輝國(guó)際旅游網(wǎng)
- 發(fā)布:2014年10月31日
- 作者:Bin
- 人氣:8397
瑤旅阿妮和莎腰妹唱著熱情洋溢的迎賓歌,親手捧著自家釀出來(lái)的醇香可口的瑤家米酒,歡迎朋友們的到來(lái)。按照我們瑤家人規(guī)矩要喝了這碗瑤家米酒才能進(jìn)入瑤寨,請(qǐng)大家喝下這碗寄托著瑤族同胞熱情和祝福的美酒。我們瑤家人喝酒前要先倒一點(diǎn)灑在地上,以敬奉祖先,自己才能喝酒。噶了米酒后,為朋友們放三響禮炮, 這是瑤家人歡迎客人最隆重的禮節(jié)。[放禮炮:嘭…嘭……嘭]
現(xiàn)在我們?cè)诼愤吙吹降氖撬9艜r(shí),由于社會(huì)發(fā)展經(jīng)濟(jì)條件落后,沒(méi)有電,沒(méi)有碾米機(jī),那么瑤族同胞怎樣把收割回來(lái)的稻谷去殼將大米加工出來(lái)呢?深居在大山 深處的瑤族先民為戰(zhàn)勝惡劣的生存環(huán)境,發(fā)揮聰明才智,利用杠桿的原理制作水舂,利用水舂把稻谷脫殼,再用篩子將大米和谷殼分離,篩出能食用的大米。
看完了水舂后,我跟朋友們簡(jiǎn)單介紹一下連南瑤族的基本情況。連南排瑤亦稱(chēng)八排瑤,是全國(guó)三十多個(gè)瑤族分支中的一個(gè),據(jù)史料記載,連南排瑤于隋唐時(shí)期為躲避戰(zhàn)亂,從湖南洞庭湖以北經(jīng)過(guò)九個(gè)州(郡)遷徙到連南,千百年來(lái),由于歷代封建王朝對(duì)瑤族采取種族清洗政策,瑤族人民被迫長(zhǎng)期退居于高山峻嶺之中,依山自保,與世隔絕,我們現(xiàn)在來(lái)到的南崗排就建造在海拔803米的高山上,在未通公路前,山寨地勢(shì)險(xiǎn)要,易守難攻。因此,連南瑤族人民長(zhǎng)期過(guò)著刀耕火種、鉆山游獵的原始生活,排瑤人民至今仍保持著古樸、原始的生產(chǎn)生活方式,形成了自己獨(dú)特的民風(fēng)民俗,蘊(yùn)育了燦爛的瑤族文化。其中反映連南瑤族人民迂徙、生產(chǎn)、生 活的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)慶活動(dòng)“盤(pán)王節(jié)·耍歌堂”活動(dòng)于2006年5月被列為首批國(guó)家非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)。
連南排瑤稱(chēng)“排”為大的瑤寨,大寨稱(chēng)“排”小寨稱(chēng)“沖”,連南排瑤主要有8個(gè)大寨,24小寨,這是依據(jù)他們的語(yǔ)言,服飾和生活習(xí)俗的差異劃分的。今天大家來(lái)到的是“八排”中最大的瑤寨——南崗排,它是連南排瑤的首領(lǐng)排。這里有占典的民居建筑群落。原始的供水系統(tǒng)和原始的民主選舉制“瑤老制”……可以說(shuō)南崗 古寨,反映了連南瑤族甚至中國(guó)瑤族的悠久古老的歷史和傳統(tǒng)文化。據(jù)中央民族大學(xué)劉保元教授和中國(guó)瑤族研究學(xué)會(huì)會(huì)長(zhǎng)張有雋教授等專(zhuān)家考證,南崗排是全國(guó)乃至全世界規(guī)模最大、最古老、最有特色的瑤寨,專(zhuān)家、學(xué)者譽(yù)之為中國(guó)瑤族第一寨。
在元代,南崗排就建市由“天長(zhǎng)公、頭目公、掌廟公、燒香公、放水公”和各姓老人組成的“瑤老制”組織。天長(zhǎng)公是首領(lǐng),頭目公是副手,掌廟公負(fù)責(zé)看管盤(pán)王廟和組織宗教活動(dòng),燒香公負(fù)責(zé)逢年過(guò)節(jié)和每月初一、十五到盤(pán)王廟燒香祭祖,放水公負(fù)責(zé)管理南崗排?;钣盟娃r(nóng)田灌溉用水的分配?,幚现频某蓡T,都要由全排群 眾民主選舉產(chǎn)生??梢赃@么說(shuō),現(xiàn)在的村委會(huì)的選舉,就用當(dāng)時(shí)“瑤老制”的選舉。
清道光十二年,清王朝在排瑤地區(qū)設(shè)置了“瑤長(zhǎng)瑤練”制嚴(yán)密管 理山寨。瑤練產(chǎn)生于清朝,他是協(xié)助瑤王辦理寨內(nèi)各項(xiàng)事務(wù)的人。南崗排為維護(hù)其社會(huì)秩序,制定了一套不成文的寨規(guī),以約束和規(guī)范族內(nèi)成員的行為,這些寨規(guī)長(zhǎng)期存在于南崗排全體成員的意念中,被大家所承認(rèn)遵守,相沿成俗,而瑤老們則依靠這些寨規(guī)審理案件,維護(hù)社會(huì)秩序。由于這些寨規(guī)具有法律的效用,故名為“習(xí) 慣法”。因?yàn)榱?xí)慣法神圣而嚴(yán)厲,所以千百年來(lái)瑤寨治安十分好,做到路不拾遺,夜不閉戶。
瑤家豆腐采用瑤族傳統(tǒng) 工藝制作,制作豆腐的原材料選用本地產(chǎn)的優(yōu)質(zhì)有機(jī)黃豆,用水浸泡。然后用石磨把黃豆磨成漿,再將磨好的豆?jié){放入大鍋煮滾,放少許石膏,用紗布過(guò)濾,倒入固定的木板格內(nèi),冷卻,就成了豆腐?,幖叶垢r嫩,營(yíng)養(yǎng)豐富,是瑤族同胞逢年過(guò)節(jié)、親嫁娶必不可少的一道美味佳肴。
洪秀全是近代中國(guó)杰出的農(nóng)民運(yùn)動(dòng)的領(lǐng)袖,他領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的太平天國(guó)革命是一次偉大的反帝反封建的農(nóng)民革命運(yùn)動(dòng),是近代中國(guó)民主革命的個(gè)重要里程碑。他在發(fā)動(dòng)金田起義前,輾轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)地,于清道光二十四年(公元1844年)三月十八日與馮云山經(jīng)陽(yáng)山白虎墟(今陽(yáng)山黎埠)到南崗排,在此屋居住數(shù)日,宣傳拜上帝教,發(fā)動(dòng)瑤民反 清。根據(jù)有關(guān)史料和民間傳說(shuō),屋內(nèi)陳列了數(shù)幅圖畫(huà)和用具,敘述當(dāng)年洪秀全和馮云山在南崗排開(kāi)展傳教活動(dòng)的情景。
各位朋友,我們現(xiàn)在看到的這塊石頭叫得金石,為什么叫得金石?相傳在報(bào)久以前,南崗排有一個(gè)采藥師,救了一個(gè)雙目失明的老人,老人家為了答謝采藥師,準(zhǔn)備第 二天殺鵝請(qǐng)他吃。到了晚上,采藥師突然聽(tīng)見(jiàn)兩只鵝在說(shuō)話,說(shuō)屋后大石板下的水溝里,有四塊金磚,這是我發(fā)現(xiàn)的寶物。采藥師又驚又奇,原來(lái)他在采藥期間吃了一種人間少有的水果,能夠聽(tīng)懂動(dòng)物的語(yǔ)言,他立即到屋后費(fèi)了好大力氣,把石頭搬開(kāi),果然在下面找到了四塊金磚,所以這塊叫得金石,朋友們有興趣的話可以周 圍找一找,看看有沒(méi)有當(dāng)年剩下的金磚,誰(shuí)找到歸誰(shuí),不打稅。
“耍 歌堂”是一種集體性的活動(dòng),每年在六月六節(jié)日里擇定日子,通常是在農(nóng)歷十月十六日后進(jìn)行,這時(shí)秋收七完畢,較空閑,“耍歌堂”一方面是宗教活動(dòng),另一方面 也是群眾想慶祝豐收的節(jié)日。耍歌堂”是連南排瑤紀(jì)念祖先、追憶歷史、慶祝豐收、酬謝還愿、傳播知識(shí)和群眾娛樂(lè)活動(dòng)等為一體的最隆重、規(guī)模最大的傳統(tǒng)民間盛 會(huì)。
長(zhǎng)鼓舞變化莫測(cè)的動(dòng)作和聲音,時(shí)刻向人們?cè)V說(shuō)著瑤家人的喜、怒、哀、樂(lè)?,幾彘L(zhǎng)鼓舞在排瑤祖先隋唐時(shí)期遷徙到連南時(shí)一同傳入,屬?gòu)V場(chǎng)性的喜慶舞蹈,有36套 表演程序,可分單人舞、雙人舞、群舞等,人數(shù)越多氣氛越熱烈。每逢春節(jié)、3月3、6月6、1 0月1 6等傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日和耍歌堂,排瑤就聚集到村前的曠地或收割后的田野,吹牛角、敲銅鑼、跳長(zhǎng)鼓舞,歡慶節(jié)日。
長(zhǎng)鼓舞的舞蹈語(yǔ)言較為豐富,從各個(gè)方 面反映了排瑤的生產(chǎn)活動(dòng)、生活習(xí)俗和宗教信仰。2008年被列入國(guó)家級(jí)第2批非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)名錄。我們的阿貴和莎腰妹曾經(jīng)帶著瑤族同胞的美好祝福,跳著長(zhǎng)鼓,走北京,闖上海,到云南。下廣州,受到社會(huì)各界人士的好評(píng)。今天阿貴和瑤妹跳起長(zhǎng)鼓舞,對(duì)朋友們的到來(lái)表示誠(chéng)摯的歡迎。
這是千年瑤寨的龍頭,所謂的“龍”,是指風(fēng)水龍脈。占時(shí)候,瑤民將南崗排依山勢(shì)縱劃分為三條“龍”,在每條“龍”的地勢(shì)中間豎起一塊石頭,作為“龍”頭,南 崗排有唐、鄧、盤(pán)、房四大姓氏,各姓氏就居住在“龍脈”上。你們看——東邊的“龍”,居住著唐姓,中間的“龍”居住著鄧姓,西邊的“龍”屆住著盤(pán)、房?jī)尚?,每條“龍”都有其首領(lǐng),稱(chēng)之為“龍頭”,即相當(dāng)于族長(zhǎng),負(fù)責(zé)管理“龍”內(nèi)部的事務(wù)。在連南排瑤中,“龍”的組織僅存在于南崗占排,其他瑤寨是沒(méi)有的。
南崗古寨建于海拔803米高的陡坡上,房屋依山傍坡,密密集集擠在一起。往往是前面房子的屋頂和后面房子的地面平高。其問(wèn)有一條走廊過(guò)道。橫街直巷,就地取材,以石塊鋪路,把各家各戶串連起來(lái),瑤寨各姓的房屋分布、排列分明,房屋坐落有序,密集而不凌亂,也充分體現(xiàn)了排瑤人民在市政規(guī)劃方面的聰明和智慧。為 什么瑤家人世代居住在山上呢?就如我們前面所介紹,這是為了躲避長(zhǎng)期以來(lái)封建統(tǒng)治者的民族迫害和民族歧視,況且瑤家人認(rèn)為住得越高,風(fēng)水越好。
南崗排的房子多數(shù)建于明清時(shí)期,以石灰拌沙砌青磚,屋頂蓋瓦,四檐翹角:普遍高度一丈三尺到一丈六尺?,幖易≌?,一般以二十到三十平方米的面積為一間。在套三間或兩間的單元里,安大門(mén)的中間房為廳,廳的正中墻上設(shè)有神龕,里面安放祖先神位。這個(gè)廳不住人,放犁耙、獵槍等農(nóng)具。莊右兩間為臥室、廚房。這兩間房 都用磚或木板分別隔開(kāi),使一間成為兩間,外間大里間小,外間堆放農(nóng)具家私、里間住人。住人房最多10平方米,放一張床之后,就不再放其它東西。
瑤寨住宅有一項(xiàng)附屬設(shè)施,是頗具特色的水筧。因瑤家住在高山上,全寨人的食用水必須從山寨后更高的山泉引來(lái)。因此,每個(gè)山寨都有長(zhǎng)達(dá)10多里的引水工程,用 水槽或毛竹破開(kāi)銜接,一節(jié)接一節(jié),把山泉水引到山寨,再用竹筧把水分別引進(jìn)各家各戶。竹水筧宛如蛛網(wǎng),縱橫交錯(cuò)地凌空高掛,是瑤家的自來(lái)水管,也成了瑤寨一大奇觀。
瑤族通過(guò)宗教禮法取名,舉行取名儀式:請(qǐng)先生公燃香上祖宗神位,念瑤經(jīng),然后面朝神位,摔“誥”(一種用羊角或牛角做成的占卜神器)取名。排瑤的名字一般是由姓、房系、名、性別(男稱(chēng)“貴”,女稱(chēng)“妹”)聯(lián)成。如南崗排的“唐火生十貴”,“唐”是姓,“火生”是房系,“十”是房系子孫排行第十或是摔了十次 “誥”才出現(xiàn)的數(shù)字,“貴”是性別,未婚男性。有了正式的名字,由先生公注冊(cè)入族譜。隨著年齡長(zhǎng)大成人,名字會(huì)變換幾次,如結(jié)婚生子后男的去掉“貴”字改 稱(chēng)“bia”,女的去掉“妹”字改稱(chēng)“爾(音妮)”;有子孫后男的改稱(chēng)“公”,女的改稱(chēng)“婆”;在“耍歌堂”時(shí)每個(gè)人都要撿法名,如“法?!?,“法財(cái)”, “法旺”等。
石棺墓葬,是南崗特有的葬禮。石棺墓是權(quán)利的象征,只有瑤王才能享用石棺墓安葬在南崗現(xiàn)存的石棺墓群中,發(fā)現(xiàn)有2座刻有碑文和楚人文化色彩圖騰、以及墓主度戒后安的法名的明代石棺墓,說(shuō)明至少在明代南崗排已有石棺墓葬,道教也許就是那時(shí)傳入連南排瑤地區(qū)的。擺在此處的是末代瑤土備用的石棺和附件。新中同成立后,瑤王思想進(jìn)步,自愿放棄石棺安葬,因此石棺在山寨保存下來(lái)。因“文化大革命”期間此石棺被紅 衛(wèi)兵砸毀,我們現(xiàn)在看到的只有部分殘件。
古時(shí)的瑤寨,哨兵如發(fā)現(xiàn)官兵入寨,就吹響牛角通知全寨人做好作戰(zhàn)準(zhǔn)備,寨子里的青壯男聽(tīng)到號(hào)角后拿著弓弩、大刀、長(zhǎng)矛、火統(tǒng)等聚集到瑤王屋,聽(tīng)候瑤寨最高軍事長(zhǎng)官瑤王的調(diào)遣和指揮?,幫趿钇煲粨],擂響戰(zhàn)鼓,“嘭、嘭、嘭” …瑤族勇上們一鼓作氣,沖鋒陷陣,殺敵保家護(hù)寨;大勝,瑤王敲響鳴金鑼鳴金收兵,殺豬宰羊,犒勞全寨勇士、子民,歡慶勝利。
千百年來(lái),瑤族同胞居住在深山老林中過(guò)著刀耕火種的生活,需要鐵器工具開(kāi)懇荒地,耕作農(nóng)活。于是瑤胞打鐵鋪應(yīng)運(yùn)而生,打鐵鋪以上等木炭作燃料,熔鐵爐配上風(fēng)箱高溫軟鐵、熔鐵,用大小鐵錘細(xì)心鍛造。早期的打鐵工具非常簡(jiǎn)單:打鐵爐、風(fēng)箱、鐵砧、大大小小的鐵錘和鐵鉗。打鐵的主要工序有:揀料、燒料、鍛打、定 型、拋鋼、淬火、回火、澤油。
5、 拋鋼:鐵匠手下的器具,只要是刀具之類(lèi)的都要拋鋼。而鋼料下在刀具上的多寡與均勻度,往往成為顧客評(píng)定該刀具好壞的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。拋鋼青兩種方法,一曰明鋼,一曰暗鋼。所謂明鋼,是在刀具的關(guān)鍵部位,刀刃上用銅全部包裹了鐵料:所謂暗鋼,是在刀刃的部位將鋼與鐵混雜敲打在一起。
6、淬火:打制鐵器過(guò) 程中,定型和拋鋼兩道工序都夾雜著淬火這一工序。淬火時(shí),常用的冷卻介質(zhì)有鹽水、清水和油三種。而最多被采用的是普通的涼水。鍛好的鐵件放入水內(nèi),“哧 啦”一聲,熱氣騰起,即可將之取出來(lái)。淬火時(shí),須保持鐵器的足夠溫度。有些經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的鐵匠會(huì)在普通水里淬水之后,加溫再度放鹽水里淬火,以增加光澤度。
瑤族同胞也有喝茶的習(xí)慣,因此每逢節(jié)慶早上都有上茶敬奉祖先的習(xí)慣。清明節(jié)前后,瑤族阿妮和莎腰妹背上背簍結(jié)伴去山上采茶,邊采茶邊唱采荼歌,直采到太陽(yáng)下山才挑上擔(dān)一擔(dān)的嫩荼回家?;丶液蟀巡枞~撒放在篩子置于陰涼的地方一天,然后架起鐵鍋用手炒茶,炒至一定程度便倒到篩子。冷卻后,再炒。重復(fù)兩三次就行 了。
Nangang Yao Minority Town
Ladies and gentlemen:
Welcome to Nangang Yao Minority Town whichis the historical and Cultural Village in China.
The Yao people sing a warm welcome song with the delicious precious wine holding on hand to welcome your arrival. According to the custom of Yao family, you need to drink a bowl of rice wine prior to entering the Yao village, so please drink this bowl of wine is entrusted with the passion and blessing of Yao compatriots. You need to pour a bit of wine on the ground to worship ancestors before drinking it. After drinking the wine, they will fire asalute of three guns which is the most solemn ceremony to welcome visitors of Yao family.
Dear friends, this is the gate and wall ofthe ancient village in Nangang Yao Minority Town. The village walls with 6 meters high and 1 meter wide, is constructed by a huge stone. Before the liberation, no one can enter the cottage without permission. However, it was destroyed after the liberation and was renovate later. The gate and wall of this ancient village are used to defend soldiers and bandits in the past.
Now, please follow me walk into the magical Nangang Yao Minority Town .
We now see water Chung in the roadside. In ancient times, due to the economic and social development conditions of backwardness, Yao compatriots collect the harvest rice and have shelled rice processing without electricity and rice milling machine. Yao ancestors who lived in the mountains in order to overcome the harsh living environment,taking advantage of the principle of leverage to have rice husking, then screenout edible rice between the rice and chaff.
Now I would like to give you a brief introduction of Liannan. Liannan Pai Yao, also known as Ba Pai Yao, is one of more than 30 branches of Yao nationality in China. According to historical records, Pai Yao migrated from Hunan to Liannan to escape the war in the Sui and Tang dynasty. Since the inexorable policy for Yao nationality during the feudal dynasties, Yao people were forced into lived in the mountains. We now come to Nangang Pai on the mountain with an altitude of 803 meters high.Liannan Yao people still maintained a simple, primitive way of production and life, formimg a unique folk customs and culture, thus have took shape the splendid culture of the Yao nationality. Particularly Pan Wang Festival, a traditional festivals in Liannan, was listed as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage in May 2006.
Liannan Yao Pai mainly has 8 big villages and 24 small villages, which is divided in accordance with the differences of their language, dress and customs. Today we come to the largest village Nangang Pai, it is the leader of Liannan Pai Yao. There are classical residential building communities, the original water supply system and the original democratic election system. It can be said that the Nangang ancient village reflects a long history and tradition of ancient cultures of Yao nationality in China. According to expert research, Nangang Pai, known as the is the most largest, oldest and distinctive Yao village in the whole nation and even in the whole world.
Nangang Pai, covering an area of 159 acres,is 27 kilometers away from Liannan County. With a history of 1000 years, it was built in the Song Dynasty. More than 7000 people living here in the heyday of the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, while more than 2600 people hometo here after the liberation period. Later gradually migrated to the easily accessible mountain with the funding from the government.
Nangang Yao village experienced the history of thousands of years, still relatively well-preserved. Now let us go to enter this ancient and mysterious Yao village to explore the historical changes it has undergone.
Dear friends, so much people living in Nangang Yao Minority Town during the heyday of the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. So do you wonder that how Yao people manage the village and maintain social order?
In the Yuan Dynasty, democratic election system Nangang Pai established a Yaolao system to manage the village. That is to say, Tianchang Gong is general leader and Toumu Gong as assistant; Zhangmiao Gong takes charge of looking after Pan Wang temple and organizes religious activities; Shaoxiang Gong is responsible for worship ancestors during holiday and festival on the first day and every fifteen of every month. Fangshui Gong is responsible for water allocation for domestic and farmland irrigation of Nangang Pai. The members of Yaolao system of Yao nationality, all of which are generated by the democratic election of the whole people. It can be said that now the election of the village committee is adopted with the election of the Yaolao system.
Now we come to Tofu workshop of Yao family.Yao’s tofu, using the traditional production process, was adopted with the high-quality soybeans that was locally produced. Soaked in water and then ground into a paste with a stone mill, then milled into a large pot boil it.What’s more, you should be put a little plaster with gauze filtration then poured it into fixed wooden frame, thus turn into tofu after cooling. Yao tofu tend to tender, nutritious and fresh, is an indispensable delicacies for festivals and wedding for Yao compatriots.
Here we come to the teaching room of missionary Hong Xiuquan. Hong Xiuquan was an outstanding peasant movement leader in modern China. He led a great peasant revolutionary movement for anti imperialist and anti feudal, named the revolution of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, which was an important milestone for democratic revolution in modern China.Before the launch of the Jintian uprising, Hong xiuquan came to Nangang Pai and has lived in this house for a few days, disseminating the thought of publicity of God worship and then launched the Yao people to against the Qing Dynasty.According to the relevant historical data and folk legend, a number of pictures and appliances displayed in this room reflecting the scene that Hong Xiuquan and Feng Yunshan carried out missionary activity in Nangang during that time.
Dear friends, the stone we see now is called Dejin stone. According to legend, there was a pharmacist in Nangang Pailong time ago. It is said that he saved a blind old man, and the old man treat a goose for him in order to thank his help. In the evening, the pharmacist suddenly heard two geese were talking and asserted that there’re four bricks inthe ditch behind the stone plate. The pharmacist was surprised that he could hear what they’re talking about, originally he ate a rare fruit during picking up herbs. Thus he immediately take a great effort to move away the stone behind the house, indeed he found four gold bricks as expected.
Dear friends, this flat with 9 meters wideand 9 meters long, has been served as public activity center of Yao people for thousands of years. Various major events are held here during the holidays and festivals, such as drums beating, blowing horns, singing Yao songs and long-drum dancing. So here is known as Ge Tang Ping.
Shua Ge Tang is a collective activity which is held on every 16th October in Chinese lunar calendar. It is areligious activities and is also a festival that people celebrate the bumper harvest. Besides, Shua Ge Tang is one of the most solemn and largest traditional folk events in which Pai Yao people commemorate their ancestors,recall the history and celebrate the harvest, together with having dissemination of knowledge and entertainment activities.
The Yao People who live in northern Guangdong mountainous region perform Long Drum Dance in festivals. In formal festive dress, with a red ribbon around the waist and white cloth wrapping legs, the dancers hang the more than 1 meter long drum. They sometimes jump into the air and make a sharp turn, sometimes pounce on like tigers. The whole set of dance is powerful and rough which shows the bravery and strength of the Yao People.
The long wood drum is called Wang Du in Yao dialect. The drum is about 4 feet long, wide in both heads and narrow in the middle, like a trumpet. The drum body is made by Shatong tree, with calf skinor sheep skin as the drum heads. The dancers hang it around the waist, fingers of right hand holding together, beat the drum and make sounds like"Dong", while the left hand, holding a bamboo sheet, make sounds like"bee". Dancers, in the other hand, by changing the tap between whiles,convey different contents and emotions and achieve its artistic results. The long drum dance has different types, for example, solo, dual and group, very rich in contents.
The dance language of Long Drum Dance is more abundant, reflecting the production activities of Pai Yao, customs and religious beliefs from various aspects. In 2008, it was included in the second batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage and was praised by the community. Today Yao people have long-drum dance to express a sincere welcome for your visit.
This is the main area of Nangang Yao Minority Town, the so-called dragon which refers to Longmai. In ancient times,the Yao people separated Nangang Pai into three dragons in accordance with longitudinal of the mountain, in each of the dragon erect a stone in the middle.Nangang Pai mainly lived people with four surnames, including Tang, Deng, Pan and Fang. One of the dragons in the east, lived people with surname of Tang;with surname of Deng in the middle; while lived with the surname of Pan and Fang in the west. Each dragon has its chief, who is responsible for the management of the internal affairs. The organization of dragon only existed in Nangang ancient village in Liannan Pai Yao.
Nangang ancient village was densely builton the steep with an altitude of 803 meters above sea level. Usually the roofof the house in the front is as high as the house to the ground on the back. Eachof them there is a corridor aisle. Side streets with stone paving, linking up the individual households and housing arrangement with clear surname, fully reflects the intelligence and wisdom of Yao people. Yao's family lived in the mountains from generation to generation to escape from the ethnic persecution and discrimination of feudal rulers.
The houses of Nangang Pai generally dividedas three kinds of residence, barn and fuel-house. Most of the residences are Diao Jiao Lou buildings and bungalows, which each unit is composed of three rooms for a family.
The majority of houses of Nangang Pai were built in Ming and Qing Dynasty, with blue brick mixed with sand lime, roof tiling and four eave angles. Yao house, is generally a twenty to thirty square meters of one unit. Each suite consists of three or two units, in the middle there is a hall with a shrine placed the ancestral tablets. The hall is unoccupied, only used to place plough, shotguns and other tools. On its both sides are bedroom and kitchen which are separated by brick or wood respectively.
Upstairs generally stacking corn, peanuts,pumpkins and other agricultural products. Inside the distinctive kitchen there is a exterior house with a stove under the wall which is about l.5m2 and 20 cm deep.In the middle there’re a table putting a pot and cooking tripod. Beside the stove is very crowded placing with water tanks, tables and chopping board.
Diao jiao lou building of Yao nationality with short, narrow and small window adapted to the cold climate, warm in winter and to protect against mosquito.
The distinctive water spout is an ancillary residential facilities in Yao village. Because of Yao nationality live in the mountains, the cooking water must be from the higher spring. Therefore, each cottage has water diversion project with more than 10 meters long, connecting with a sink or breaking bamboo. Water bamboo running like a cobweb to volley hanging is arranged in a crisscross pattern, thus Yao water pipe also became agreat spectacle scene in Yao village.
Now we come to distillery of Yao family.Yao wine is aromatic and delicious with low alcohol content. Yao rice wine is made from mountain organic rice, using the traditional brewing process, generally must be rinsed clean then steamed rice, mixed with distiller's yeast and with afer mentation about seven days. Traditional wine making methods of Yao family can also be brewing glutinous rice wine, corn wine without alcohol and any seasoning.
Now we’re walking the stone path leading to the Nangang temple. Nangang temple was built on top of the fortress of the leading position. The temple was built in the leading above is bless villager in peace. The original temple was destroyed during the period of the Cultural Revolution, and the temple we see now is renovated in accordance with the architectural style of the previous. Nangang temple is used to worship the Pangu Wang and his wife.
It is said that the Pangu king is the ancestor of Yao nationality. Pangu King's birthday is on the seventh July on Chinese lunar calendar. To commemorate the Pangu king, Yao people would “song of Pangu king” in this day to praise the kindness of him, so this day is also called Concert Festival. You see, a universe mirror holding on the hand of Pangu king symbolizes field and land. While his wife held a silver box, which is believed that is able to bring fortune and prosperity. According to legend,Pangu Wang and his wife are a pair of gods. Burn incense and make a wish in front of them will let you all wishes come true and visitors came here in the past claimed that it is very efficacious. So let’s have a try.
The Yao people named according to religious etiquette. They will hold a naming ceremony, then their names was made with horns or horn of divination artifact. Pai Yao's name is generally composed of the surname, the housing department, name and gender. After having a formal name, their name will be registered into genealogy.
The funeral of sarcophagus tomb is peculiar to Nangang Yao village. The sarcophagus tomb is a symbol of power, only theking of Yao can enjoy sarcophagus tomb burial. Among the existing stone coffin tombs in Nangang, there are two totems which are engraved with inscriptions and Chu culture, together with a sarcophagus tomb in Ming Dynasty. They’re the evidences to proved that there’re stone cliff tomb of Nangang in Ming dynasty and perhaps the Taoism has spread into Liannan area at that time. Here placed the spare sarcophagus and accessories for the last king of Yao. After the founding of new China, the king of Yao voluntarily give up the idea of taking sarcophagus buried, so the sarcophagus were preserved in the village. During the Cultural Revolution period, sarcophagus here were smashed by the red guards. What we see now only parts of remnants.
Dear friends, this is the residence of the king of Yao. King of Yao is the chief of the Nangang Pai, who is in charge of the affairs of the village, including dealing with a variety of disputes,maintaining social order and is responsible for foreign affairs. Besides, he is also the top military leaders in Pai Yao when in case of war.
Deng Mai Wei Ba Gong is the last generation of the king of Yao. After the founding of new China, Deng Mai Wei Ba Gong as the upper figure of Yao nationality, was appointed as the county counselor by People's government of Liannan County. Shortly was elected as vice president of the people'scourt and was elected as the deputy head of mission of Guangdong national minorities. In October 1950, he was received by Chairman Mao Zedong and other party and state leaders when he visit in Beijing.
At ancient Yao village, if sentry found soldier senter into the village, they would sounded horns to inform all the people of village ready for battle. Then the young man would gather in front of the house holding with crossbows, machetes, spears, fire systems and so on. Waiting the dispatch and command of king of Yao who is highest military of ficer in Yao village.
Now we come to blacksmith shop of Yao family. For thousands of years, Yao compatriots need iron tools for reclamation and tillage farming as they living in mountains and forests. So blacksmith shop came into being. The blacksmith shop used charcoal for fuel, furnace with high temperature bellows soft iron, molten iron, with the size of the hammer carefully forging. Early blacksmith tool is very simple, consisting of furnace,bellows, anvil, hammer and pincers in large and small sizes. The main processes of blacksmith are, picking iron material, sintering, forging, molding, caststeel, quenching, tempering and oiling.
Here we are in Tea House of Yao family. Yao compatriots also have the habit of drinking tea, every morning on festivals they would worship ancestor with tea. Before and after the Qing Ming Festival, Yao women pick tea with backpack on the mountains until the sun goes down. After returning home, they would place tea in sieve placed in a cool place for one day, and then build a wok to fried tea for two or three times.
Now we come to visit the is folk performances Arena of Yao nationality, which is one of the attractions of the Nangang Yao Minority Town. Watching this performance is free, so please enter the arena and take a seat to enjoy the original, wonderful and mysterious wedding show of Yao.
As a China's historical and cultural village, Nangang Yao Minority Town show you a warm and rustic welcome with splendid Pai Yao culture. Here I hope that this journey will leave you a wonderful memory and I wish everything goes well. See you next time!